
CronaSwap is the first decentralized exchange platform on the Cronos Chain to offer the lowest transaction fees (0.25%). You can swap CRC-20 tokens easily on the Cronos Chain network that guarantees superior speed and much lower network transaction costs.

CronaSwap aims to become a benchmark for DEX platforms. We want to take on the mantle in becoming the leading DEX platform on the market for token swaps.

We are highly committed to provide true value, fairness and innovation to decentralized finance through our top quality products and services. CronaSwap is fast, secure and anyone can swap and earn tokens easily. The native token of CronaSwap is CRONA.

You may visit our official channels here:

Telegram | Global : https://t.me/cronaswap Telegram | Italy: https://t.me/cronaswap_it Telegram | French - https://t.me/cronaswap_fr Telegram | Vietnam - https://t.me/cronaswap_vn Telegram | Hungarian - https://t.me/cronaswap_hu Telegram | German - https://t.me/cronaswap_de Telegram News Channel: https://t.me/cronaswap_channel

Discord: https://discord.gg/QBEmcuamwp Twitter: https://twitter.com/cronaswap Medium: https://cronaswap.medium.com/

Track price here:

https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/cronaswap/ https://coinmarketcap.com/exchanges/cronaswap/ https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/cronaswap https://www.coingecko.com/en/exchanges/cronaswap

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